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Capture One Pro 21 is here!

What can the new version do?

the leading RAW Converter

On this page I will inform you about the changes and innovations in Capture One Pro 21. Of course, all new customers and updaters will receive a 10% discount through me as always.
If you are new to Capture One Pro, download the Capture One Testversion

Michael Damböck
Fujifilm X-Photographer

Whats new in
Capture One Pro 21

Capture One 21 features and discount 1


Capture One Discount

Let’s talk about money. Honestly, we all love Capture One and it’s features. Heck, especially the image quality. And good quality has it’s price. But getting a little discount has never been a bad thing.
As a teacher I have a special Capture One deal for you by which you can save 10% on all Capture One licenses by using my discount code. Just fill in the form below.

Apple M1 Support

The Apple M1 chip has caused a sensation from the very beginning. Rightly so! But it can only really show its performance when software has been optimized for it. Capture One has followed up with a free update to Capture One Pro 21 in this regard. Capture One thus runs natively and without friction losses on the new Apple chip.
And speaking of the Apple M1 chip. This is now also used in the latest Apple iPads. Again, Capture One made a great announcement. Capture One will be released as a native iPad app in spring 2021. That sounds like a perfect, mobile workflow!


Speed Edit

In my opinion, Speed Edit is the central new feature of Capture One Pro 21. With a combination of keyboard and mouse you can reach the most important editing functions quickly and easily.

Pressing and holding the “Q” key and simultaneous scrolling up and down with the mouse or touchpad changes the exposure, for example.

This is a great new feature! Especially if you want to edit large amounts of images in a short time.

I have been using speed edit almost every day. And I must say – its hard to go back. This features is a huge time saver when it comes to processing raw files. Especially when you’re doing it in front of a waiting client.

And: it looks quite professional too :)



Removing haze will especially delight photographers switching from Lightroom to Capture One. Personally, I haven’t missed this feature so far, but still welcome it because the more versatile the tools, the better.

Dehaze in Capture One 21



HEIF stands for H igh E fficiency I mage F ormat. This image format is very often used by current smartphones. This means that you can now open and edit the HEIF images that you take with your smartphone on the go in Capture One. Not everyone needs it, but I missed it for a long time!

Capture One 21 HEIF
Shot in New York with the iPhone 11 Pro.


What else

But a lot has happened in other respects too.
I call it product maintenance.

further innovations

  • improved import
  • better performance
  • Brush control via shortcut
  • Leica tethering
  • new Pro standard camera profiles
  • easier access to help